Nurtures, Inc. offers a blend of unique approaches to assist in supporting and creating change for children and youth in their development of skills to achieve success in the future. Nurtures, Inc. prides itself on the ability and philosophy that services for children and youth need to be adaptable regardless of the “type” of program they are placed in.
The common focus of the program is to provide continual guidance, support, and teaching in a therapeutic setting while maintaining a supported family-based environment. The program is guided by a trauma-informed and client-centered approach, the Circle of Courage Model within a therapeutically based milieu. The program is guided by the Client-Centered and the Trauma-Informed approaches. Additionally, the program will utilize the therapeutic philosophies of the Circle of Courage as guidance when working with Indigenous clients.
The Group Living Program houses up to five (5) children/youth, with the ability to expand to accommodate sibling groups, provides a secure and safe living environment that addresses referral issues and ongoing needs of the persons served. The programming consists of supports designed to further develop the basic skills of the individuals including communication, anger management, conflict resolution, peer relationships, and family issues.
The focus of Nurtures, Inc. will be to prepare and ready our clients for success in a less intrusive setting such as a return to their natural family and/or foster or kinship care. Specific programming will be provided to the person served and guardian upon intake. Specific programming is implemented by the Director and front-line staff members in the milieu.
The program is also designed to support children and youth with varying degrees of trauma responses (high-risk or challenging behaviors), those with impacting mental health issues and/or clients requiring support and nurturing to develop healthy and/or adaptive relationships. The programming consists of supports designed to further develop the basic skills of the persons served, including:
- Communication
- Anger management
- Conflict resolution
- Peer relationships
- Family issues
The additional community and professional supports guide further Service Planning to address specific and intensive issues such as grief and loss, group counseling, individual counseling, and resources to assist in the identification of mental health concerns.
Within the framework of client-centered care, the programming consists of supports designed to further develop the basic skills of the child and/or youth and their family (if involved) to address issues including communication, anger management, conflict resolution, peer relationships, and family issues. The focus of Nurtures Inc. will be to prepare and ready children and youth for success in a less intrusive setting, such as a return to their natural family and/or living independently in the community. Specific programming will be provided to the child or youth and guardian upon intake. Cultural awareness and spiritual healing are a crucial component of this program in order to assist in the stabilization and realizing their full potential.
Nurtures, Inc. will be made available to all persons within the demographic and treatment criteria of its defined client population without discrimination based upon ethnicity, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, place of origin, race, age, physical or mental disability, medical condition and/or source of income. In addition, the agency also adheres to reasonable accommodations should a client be admitted with extenuating circumstances or if any person (family, professional, visitors, etc.) is involved with extenuating circumstances. This may include, but is not limited to, the following accommodations:
- religious, ethnic, cultural and/or spiritual diversity;
- persons living with physical disabilities have access to the program and/or agency facilities;
- persons living with disabilities impacting communication (e.g. blindness, deafness, etc.) are able to have program materials (e.g. documents) that are within their scope of understanding;
- persons living with disabilities have access to equipment that increase their level of independence;
- program adaptations to fit the limitations of any persons living with disabilities.
Nurtures, Inc. is also committed to ensuring that persons served within the care of the agency are continually and consistently provided respect and consideration of the youth or child and their formal and informal values, cultural orientation, language, religion, and spirituality.
In order to ensure ongoing support and respect towards the unique characteristics of each and every person served, Nurtures, Inc. will review the related policies, at minimum, once every three years.